“I need a Will” and we say Wills do not work

by | Dec 1, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

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We receive calls all of the time with someone saying that they need a Will. We then ask them to come to an Educational workshop before the initial consultation. The response is, I just need a Will. Our response is how do you know you need a Will? Wills do not work! “What do you mean?” For some clients, A Will will work; for most of us, a Will is just not enough. Everyone I know says they want to avoid Probate, even if they don’t know what Probate is. All Wills go through Probate.

That is just one example of why a Will may not be enough for you. That is why we hold our Workshops on a regular basis. It is important for us to give you as much information on Estate Planning as we can. Then, we meet to assess your goals and needs. That way, you can choose the plan that will work for you. You will drive the process on creating your Estate Plan. We are your counselors, guides if you will to helping you expose what is important to you so that we can custom tailor a plan that will do what you want. That is Estate Planning to us.

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