Have You Reviewed Your Insurance Lately

by | Nov 17, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

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When someone passes away unexpectedly, one of the things that is often thought of is insurance coverage. Part of what we do at our firm is we work on creating a plan that makes sense rather than just dealing with documents. In discussing that plan, we must talk about how much insurance you have in property, casualty and life insurance. We also look at how your investments are handled and whether you have IRA’S. We will determine if you need take the required distributions or not. We also will determine how to maximize those withdrawals and minimize tax. We recommend downloading on our website a book that Matt co-authored that covers the 5 Mistakes You Make in IRA’s.

At the Deliberato Law Center we have developed several things to help you during these difficult times and to help you make those difficult decisions. We are developing trustee training workshops, so we can train the people that are going to have to administer these trusts. We have a Maintenance program that you can sign up for, to make sure that if there are any personal changes or changes with the law, you will be able to get all new documents. This will help to ensure that everything is up to date. Estate planning in is not simply documents, documents do not work, plans do.


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