by Deliberato Law Center | Sep 6, 2023 | blog, Estate Planning, Estate Planning Education
For many people, college is the first time they’ll be away from home for any length of time. Since most college students are over 18, they are no longer legally minors and their parents are no longer empowered to make important decisions on their behalf. Since so many...
by Deliberato Law Center | Aug 23, 2023 | blog, Estate Planning
Although you may have taken the time to create well constructed wills and trusts, there are some common challenges which may present themselves upon your passing. Disputes amongst beneficiaries can result in bitter family relations, costly court proceedings and...
by Deliberato Law Center | Aug 16, 2023 | blog, Estate Planning, Estate Planning Education, Medicaid
If you’re past the age of retirement, planning for the future is never more important. While you may be in perfect health now, things can change quickly as you get older, and it’s essential that you be prepared. When it comes to estate planning, accounting for all...
by Deliberato Law Center | Aug 3, 2023 | blog, Estate Planning, Medicaid
Medicaid can be a great way for people with lower incomes to ensure that their health needs are met. In addition, it can be a useful tool for preparing for your health needs in your later years. Should something happen to you, and you need to stay in a nursing home,...
by Deliberato Law Center | Jul 26, 2023 | blog, Estate Planning
Has your financial or medical situation changed since your plan was created? Have any of your children or grandchildren gotten divorced and remarried, or started families of their own? Do your beneficiary designations continue to reflect your wishes? What about the...
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